Mining Safety Torch for Petroleum Refineries
- Used In Petroleum Refineries,
- Petroleum Installations, Petroleum
- Extruction Plants, Petrol Pumps, Acetylene Generation Factory,
- Chemical / Rubber Factory, Explosive Godown, Tunnel Construction, Railways / Airlines / Shipping Industry.
- Approved by Govt. Of India Departments Like :
- The Chief Controller Of Explosives.The Directorate, General of Mines Safety.
- Intrinsically Safe In Inflammable Atmosphere.Incorporated With Circuit Breaking Safety Device.Unique Safety Locking Device.Ideal Switch For Fixed And Occasional Light.No Accidental Circuit Forming When The Torch
- Remains Idle, Thus Prevents Wastage Of Cell.Solid Drawn, Seamless Mouthpiece With
- Well-Designed Grill, Tough And Crystal Clear Lens, High Gloss Reflector And Pre-focused Bulb
- To Throw Cent Percentage Clear Beam.